Top Nine - Best of 2019 {Auckland wedding - engagement - maternity - newborn-family photography}

This year was just amazing and Im so excited to share with you Best of 2019 - beautiful, emotional and real moments from wedding - engagement - maternity - newborn and family photography.

It was amazing and crazy busy year: with shooting 24 weddings and 17 photo shoots, including one styled shoot, traveling to Bali, Germany, Austria {Europe}, Melbourne, Australia and South Island of New Zealand {Christchurch, Auckland, Gore}; running 3 live photography workshops {two in Auckland and one in Melbourne}, and 4-weeks online workshop Love, Light & Laughter at Click Photo School. Such a beautiful time! I just loved to share my knowledge, my love and my soul!

I progressed in my ice skating, participating in Adult World Championship in Oberstdorf, and won some gold and silver medals on New Zealand Nationals, as well as participated with my synchro team in Australian Nationals, where we got very close to 3rd place with just 0.1 points of difference in scores!

Lot of hard work for the next year and exciting plans ahead! Practice and progress in everything I do!

I can not wait to see what next year brings!

My focus for the next year is harmony, balance, capture only limited number of weddings and sessions, concentrating on personal and educational projects/photography workshops, family and myself, keep doing ice skating and participating in international competitions. I hope to improve my level in everything I do. Having a good sport hobby allowing not only keep healthy body and mind, but also come back refresh to my photography and business. So important to find time for yourself!

Enjoy this look back in some favourites from the last season - best of 2019, including my Top 9 on instagram - on my Personal and Business accounts!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!