Early Bird Wedding Bookings 2016. Special offer from LEVIEN & LENS PHOTOGRAPHY

Are you a highly organised person and prefer to plan everything ahead like me? (I love to make special lists and plan everything. With travel I plan and search all important must see places, list of things to take etc. It helps me feel more prepared soI don't miss anything or forget to take important stuff). But this is not about me!

Its special offer for you - use the opportunity to book your wedding day ahead with Early Bird special for 2016 year, and save $500! (limited availability). You save money, get your photographer and one worry gone from your big list.

If you know your date/ venue - time for action - book a photographer, for no disappointment.

I already have weddings booked at the end of 2016! 

Check prices and contact me with any questions!

If you have short notice wedding at this winter 2015 - you still can get a lucky spot for Winter Wedding special - save on wedding package fee! (limited availability)

Wedding Portfolio

Couples / Engagement Photography